Winter Whites & February Blues

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After the excitement of the holidays, the winter becomes very cold and dreary for me. I’ve always had an overwhelming amount of anxiety when it comes to January and February. I can’t tell you the exact reason why, all I know is they are very hard for me, emotionally.

This year was a little different, though. Having been in treatment for most of January and the beginning of February, I have been in a pretty consistent state of HOPEFULNESS. Yes, I’ve had moments or days where I’ve felt very bleh, but they don’t last long and I find things to get me out of that negative headspace.

I asked around to see what people do during the first few cold months of the new year and I got a lot of really inspiring feedback.

A couple of my friends told me I could do a photo challenge, which is something I definitely found intriguing. If you know me, I am always flowing with ideas for my next photo opportunity (I literally dream about it).

I decided to start a book club too, because I have been reading A TON. Now, the book club book hasn’t been what I’ve been reading (if I’m being completely honest), BUT I started it and it’s good so far. Once I finish my can’t-put-down romance novel, I will pick “Little Fires Everywhere” back up.

I’ve gotten back into the gym which has been AMAZING for me. I have been seeing the results that I’ve been looking for for years and it has put the fire back in me to be a healthier version of myself. There is nothing like a good run to clear the mind!

Something else I’ve done to keep my head from going all ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ on me was I went to a concert with my best friend. I had been wanting to see one of my FAVORITE artists, Dermot Kennedy, for awhile and I finally bit the bullet and got tickets. It was SO fun. We got Ramen and froze our butts off, but had THE BEST time. (Spending money on experiences and memories is something I am trying to do more of.)

I’ve remained very hopeful during these first two months of the year and I’m proud of myself for that. Like I said, there were and are still moments that get bleak, but being able to come out of them quicker is something I learned how to do in treatment (which I thank God and my parents for).

Now, on to ‘wearing a bathing suit all day’ season!



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